Image with Wisconsays logo and a farm that says, "Seeking a cost-effective method to gather survey data on an important research question? Interested in asking adults in Wisconsin their thoughts on current and pressing issues? Looking for a platform to conduct survey experiments, test new messages, evaluate products or programs, or gauge consumer sentiment more generally? If you answered yes, Wisconsays is the answer you've been searching for!"
UWSC Now Hiring: Come work with top researchers to collect innovative survey and social science data.
Picture of Karen Zoladz that says "We are pleased to announce UWSC's Director of Project Management.
Photo with hand holding gift card that says "Thinking about using a lottery to increase your response rate? According to new research from UWSC, a gift card for a small amount is more effective"
Picture of the book "The Good Life" that says "What Makes a Good Life? According to UWSC Client Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, the answer to this question may be closer than you realize"
Picture of megaphone with text "Task force submits ideas for improving campus climate based on UWSC-administered student survey results"
Picture of Jennifer Dykema holding plaque that says "Faculty Director Jennifer Dykema Awarded 2022 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research Fellow"

Contacted by UWSC?

If you were contacted by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC), it means you were selected for one of the research studies we are conducting, and we would really appreciate your participation.

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