Were you contacted by the UWSC?
If you were contacted by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC), it means you were selected for one of the research studies we are conducting, and we would really appreciate your participation. Since 1987, the UWSC has been conducting high-quality research for the University of Wisconsin-Madison community, governmental agencies, and nonprofit organizations. We collect data for numerous prestigious studies that have been featured in The New York Times, Huffington Post, Time Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Please click here to read more about some of our recent projects.
Did you receive a passcode?
If you received a passcode for one of our studies, please click here.
Do you have questions about privacy and confidentiality?
At the UWSC, we take your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Our staff takes numerous measures to ensure that no one outside of the project staff has access to your data. We never release data in a form that can identify individual respondents. Access to data with identifying information is only limited to the staff working directly on the project, and for a limited period of time. If you have more questions about your privacy, please contact 1-800-291-8624.
Did you have questions about how we got your information?
Because we use many different methods to select people, this information is usually specific to a particular study. For example, we use computers to generate representative samples of postal addresses maintained by the US postal office. For telephone numbers, we usually use the area code to determine a geographic location and a computer randomly generates the last four digits of the phone number. For specific details about how we got your contact information, please email or call the contact provided in the email or letter you received.
John, Rita, and Vickie are Interviewers for the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) ILIAD project