UWSC administered survey finds improving climate for many, but not all underrepresented faculty on UW Campus
The Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute’s (WISELI) 2022 survey, administered by UWSC, found a large majority of UW faculty feel respected in their work, supported in their teaching and satisfied with their compensation. …
Wayne State University Ph.D. Alumni Outcomes Survey
As a doctoral alumnus of Wayne State University you have a unique perspective on how your PhD program prepared you for a career in the 21st Century job market. This study is being conducted by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC) on behalf of Wayne State University for your confidentiality.
Reasons for (Not) Studying Languages at the College Level Survey
Reasons for (not) studying languages at the college level, is surveying UW-Madison Undergraduate students 18 years of age and older. The study aims to examine the factors that influence undergraduate students’ decisions about whether or not to study a language at UW-Madison.
Understanding PhD Career Pathways for Program Improvement
The University of Wisconsin – Madison Graduate School and the Council of Graduate Schools are doing two web surveys with three cohorts of graduate alumni and three cohorts of graduate students.
California Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study (CalYOUTH)
The California Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study (CalYOUTH) is an evaluation of the impact of AB12, the California Fostering Connections to Success Act, on outcomes during the transition to adulthood for foster youth.
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