Wisconsin Early Care Caregiver Study

The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is working with researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to gather information about Wisconsin families’ experiences with early childhood programs such as home visitation programs, child care, and early education programs.  The information collected from this multi-mode survey of families with young children will to help understand how early childhood programs can be improved to better serve families across Wisconsin.

SYNAR Tobacco Compliance Study

Under the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grant Synar requirement, every state in the country must conduct annual unannounced random inspections of tobacco retailers to determine the compliance rate with laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to persons under the age of 18. UWSC has been conducting the yearly sample frame creation, coverage studies, and compliance checks for the state of Wisconsin since 2000.

The Vocal Cord Paralysis Experience Study (CoPE)

The purpose of this study is to better understand how one-sided (unilateral) vocal cord paralysis affects the lives of patients across the country. Participants are asked to complete 4 or 5 surveys at specific intervals over a 6-month period. The CoPE Collaborative consists of 48 academic medical centers located across the United States. To join the study, participants must be referred by a participating CoPE provider. Participants also need to have been diagnosed with one-sided vocal cord paralysis, have access to the internet, have an email address, be at least 18 years old, and speak English. If you are interested in the study, please request a brochure from your provider or contact the research study staff. For more information, visit copestudy.org.