Wave 3 of CalYOUTH Study Final Report Released

In 2017, UWSC conducted Wave 3 of the CalYOUTH study, surveying 616 21-year-old youth. This study follows up on surveys of the same young people when they were approaching the age of majority in California’s foster care system at age 17 and again when they were 19 years old. Similar to Waves 1 and 2, the study collected data on a wide range of youth outcomes in in areas such as physical and mental health, education and employment, and relationships and families.

Response option order and scale orientation effects on the web-based measurement of self-rated health

While self-rated health (SRH) is widely used to study health across a range of disciplines, little research examines how features of its measurement in surveys influence respondents’ answers and the overall quality of the resulting measurement. To address these shortcomings, UWSC researchers and Dana Garbarski (Loyola University Chicago) examined how response option order and scale orientation affect responses in an online experiment.