The Wisconsin Parents Study is a study of about 1,200 divorced families with children throughout the state of Wisconsin and is funded by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. Researchers are interested in learning about the daily lives of divorced parents. The main purpose of this study is to gather information that will help us better understand the living arrangements, needs, and circumstances of divorced families.
Chicago Communities Study
UWSC is developing a two-way interaction between laptops (CAPI interview) and tablet devices (touchscreen maps) for in-person interviews about neigborhood knowledge, selection, and segregation.
The Wisconsin Families Study (WiscFams)
The Wisconsin Families Study is an evaluation of Project GAIN, a program in Milwaukee County funded by the Wisconsin Children’s Trust Fund to assist families in accessing economic resources, reducing financial stressors, and increasing income stability for the children and adults in the home.
Milwaukee Eviction Court Study (MECS)
The Milwaukee Eviction Court Study (MECS) was conducted by the UWSC for Dr. Matt Desmond at Harvard University. UWSC conducted approximately 250 in-person interviews with 1st cause defendants in Milwaukee eviction court.
Midwest Young Adult Study (MYA Study)
In collaboration with the Chapin Hall Center for Children, the Department of Children and Family Services in the State of Illinois, the Department of Human Services in the State of Iowa, and the Department of Health and Family Services – Division of Children and Family Services in the State of Wisconsin, UWSC interviewed approximately 775 foster care youth placed with foster care providers at Wave 1 in 2002.
Milwaukee Area Renters Study (MARS)
The Milwaukee Area Renters Study (MARS) is an original survey of tenants in Milwaukee’s low-income private housing sector. The survey collected data on tenants’ current housing situation, neighborhood characteristics, civic engagement, material hardship, and social networks.