MIDUS: Midlife in the U.S. National Study of Health and Well-Being

The next round data collection for Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) is underway! The University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC) is contacting participants about completing an interview by phone, through 2024. With the help of our participants, MIDUS is teaching us a great deal about the factors that influence health and well-being as people age from early adulthood to later life.

Longitudinal Study of Generations (LSOG)

The Longitudinal Study of Generations is contacting previous participants and inviting the fifth generation of participating families into the study. For over 50 years the Longitudinal Study of Generations has been exploring how families transmit culture, values, and beliefs across multiple generations. Researchers are interested in how interfamily relationships affect values, beliefs, health, and well-being over time. The University of Wisconsin Survey Center is honored to administer this important study.

Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS)

The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS) is very pleased to announce that a new round of interviews with Graduates and their selected Sibling will begin in July 2019 and continue until approximately 2028. As in past years, the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC) will be contacting participants for interviews.

The Wisconsin Moms Study (WiscMoms)

The Wisconsin Moms Study (WiscMoms) is a study of about 250 mothers of young children in the Milwaukee area. Researchers are interested in a number of topics, among them the household make-up of families in which siblings might have different fathers, the security and availability of food and other necessary resources, and the ways in which young mothers make use of their social network.

The Wisconsin Families Study (WiscFams)

The Wisconsin Families Study is an evaluation of Project GAIN, a program in Milwaukee County funded by the Wisconsin Children’s Trust Fund to assist families in accessing economic resources, reducing financial stressors, and increasing income stability for the children and adults in the home.