The Wisconsin Early Childcare Study (WECCS) is a validation study designed to examine whether child care providers in the state of Wisconsin with higher ratings are better able to promote healthy development and learning.
Midwest Young Adult Study (MYA Study)
In collaboration with the Chapin Hall Center for Children, the Department of Children and Family Services in the State of Illinois, the Department of Human Services in the State of Iowa, and the Department of Health and Family Services – Division of Children and Family Services in the State of Wisconsin, UWSC interviewed approximately 775 foster care youth placed with foster care providers at Wave 1 in 2002.
The National Children’s Study
The NCS is the largest study ever done to examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of over 100,000 children nationwide, following them from before birth, to age 21.
Food & Veggie Connection Project
The goal of this project is to gather information on young adults’ views and eating habits related to fruit and vegetables. The responses will help develop nutrition education materials for young adults.
National Survey of Families and Households
The comprehensive study of family life in the U.S. will interview a portion of the original sample and their young adult sons and daughters.
Chicago Longitudinal Study
The Chicago Longitudinal Study (CLS) is being done to investigate the long-term effects of early childhood interventions on the educational and social development of 1,539 individuals who grew up in high-poverty neighborhoods in Chicago.
The Foster Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study
This project examined the effects of the foster care system on young adults in Wisconsin.
Adult Survey on Community and Youth
The purpose is to examine how community connection mediates the relationship between involvement with and exposure to teenagers and adults’ attitudes about youth in their community and in general.