This study was a two wave CATI study of water use in Reno Nevada. The fist wave of interviews were conducted in the summer of 1998 with re-interviews in the summer of 2000 (n=400).
Substance and Alcohol Abuse Services Evaluation
This study consisted of an evaluation of clients that visited a facility for substance or alcohol abuse in the past six months.
Department of Natural Resources Clean Air Project
The 1999 DNR Clear Air Project is a telephone survey of 500 Wisconsin residents. Respondents are asked to give their input on air pollution and public health in order to help the DNR find effective ways to balance environmental and transportation needs.
Minnesota VA
The Minnesota Veterans Association is trying to determine whether a free medical reference manual provided to veterans receiving medical services in 1999 from VA physicians is being used prior to physician visits.
Survey of Second Quarter W-2 Leavers
The purpose of this project was to provide a description of the experiences of people who left W-2, Wisconsin’s work-based replacement for AFDC, during the second quarter of 1998 and to asses the effects of welfare reform on helping people obtain and retain employment.
Survey of Fourth Quarter W-2 Leavers
The purpose of this project was to provide a description of the experiences of people who left W-2, Wisconsin’s work-based replacement for AFDC, during the fourth quarter of 1998 and to assess the effects of welfare reform on helping people obtain and retain employment.
Adult Survey on Community and Youth
The purpose is to examine how community connection mediates the relationship between involvement with and exposure to teenagers and adults’ attitudes about youth in their community and in general.
Minnesota Mammography
A phone survey will be conducted with women who participated in the Department of Health’s free mammogram program during 1998-1999.
Survey of Third Quarter W-2 Leavers
The purpose of this project is to provide a description of the experiences of people who left W-2, Wisconsin’s work-based replacement for AFDC, during the third quarter of 1998 and to assess the effects of welfare reform on helping people obtain and retain employment.
National: Yancey Client Module
Professor Yancey’s latest study will examine the experiences of individuals who attend racially diverse parishes.