Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Microbiome Follow-up

Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS)


Pamela Herd, Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University; Federico Rey, Associate Professor of Bacteriology, UW-Madison; ZhengZheng Tang, Biostatistician, UW-Madison


UWSC is launching an effort to collect follow-up human microbiome samples and a self-administered questionnaire from a subset of Graduate and Sibling participants and their spouses or partners for the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS).

This follow-up is an expansion of one of the largest efforts in science to better understand the human microbiome and its relationship to health outcomes by partnering cutting-edge microbiology research with a landmark social science dataset. The wealth of data about life experience and health already collected and analyzed by WLS hold immense potential to lead to new findings when combined with research on the human microbiome.

This effort will include the addition of dried blood spot (DBS) collection.

For more information on the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, please click here: https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/wlsresearch/.


Kerryann DiLoreto, Carol Wintheiser


January 2020 – April 2020