John Stevenson presented at the conference on recent experiments conducted by UWSC regarding how different types and amounts for a survey post-incentive impact participation, cost and data quality when varied for an undergraduate and graduate student climate survey.
Conference attendance or presentations
Faculty Director Jennifer Dykema named 2022 MAPOR Fellow
The Executive Board of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) named Faculty Director Jennifer Dykema as its newest MAPOR Fellow at its November 2022 meeting.
UWSC Attends 2022 AASRO Meeting
UW Survey Center (UWSC) Associate Director and current AASRO President John Stevenson presided over the 2022 Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations (AASRO) meeting. Center Directors from across the country met in September in Johnson City, Tennessee at East Tennessee State University to discuss current issues in managing academic survey research organizations (ASROs).
John Stevenson, UWSC Associate Director Wins the 2022 John M. Kennedy Achievement Award, Named 2022-2023 AASRO President
Please join us in congratulating our UWSC Associate Director, John Stevenson! John was awarded the 2022 John M. Kennedy Achievement award by the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations (AASRO). Additionally, John was named the 2022-2023 AASRO President, where he will direct AASRO activities and preside over meetings.
UWSC Researchers Participate in the Virtual 2021 Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA)
European Survey Research Association (ESRA) is pleased to announce that its 9th Conference will be held online on 2, 9, 16, and 23 July 2021 and UWSC will be there! In a video available on YouTube, Faculty Director Jennifer Dykema presents new work on “Using Results from Interviewer-Respondent Interaction to Improve the Design and Administration of Questions about Chronic Conditions.”
Faculty Director Nora Cate Schaeffer Considers Implications of our “Far from Ordinary Questions” in her Presidential Address
Because of changes due to the pandemic, in June 2020 UWSC’s Faculty Director Nora Cate Schaeffer became the first president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) to give her presidential address from Madison, Wisconsin.
UWSC Participating in AAPOR’S 2020 Virtual Conference
AAPOR’s 75th Annual Conference will take place as a virtual conference on June 11-12 and UWSC will there! Faculty Director and 2019-2020 AAPOR President Nora Cate Schaeffer will deliver the Presidential Address. Distinguished Scientist Jennifer Dykema and Associate Director John Stevenson have already uploaded their virtual presentations!
John Stevenson, Jennifer Dykema, and Nora Cate Schaeffer will represent the University of Wisconsin Survey Center at the 2019 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) Annual Conference in Chicago in November. The theme for this year’s conference is “Where …
UWSC Staff to Participate in the 74th Annual AAPOR (American Association For Public Opinion Research) Conference
Staff from the UWSC are participating in the annual meeting of the 2019 conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) in Toronto, Canada on May 16-19. As in previous years, UWSC staff will demonstrate their contributions to survey research methodology by delivering presentations of current research.
UWSC Staff To Participate in the 53rd Annual International Field Directors And Technologies Conference (IFD&TC)
Many staff from the UWSC will participate in the 53rd annual International Field Directors and Technologies Conference (IFD&TC) in Tornoto, Canada on May 19 – 22, 2019. Staff will participate by giving presentations, leading panel and round table discussions, and facilitating sessions. In addition, Director of Project Management Kelly Elver and Senior Project Director Kerryann DiLoreto will be working behind the scenes on the Organizing and Program Committees.