UWSC Participating in AAPOR’S 2020 Virtual Conference

AAPOR’s 75th Annual Conference will take place as a virtual conference on June 11-12 and UWSC will be there! Faculty Director and 2019-2020 AAPOR President Nora Cate Schaeffer will deliver the Presidential Address. Distinguished Scientist Jennifer Dykema and Associate Director John Stevenson will present their virtual presentations.

Jen is presenting new research from her NSF project “Effects of Interviewers, Respondents, and Questions on Survey Measurement.” Her presentation, “Parenthetical Phrases and Respondent Motivation, Interview Efficiency, and Interviewer Variation,” explores the extent to which assumptions surrounding the use of parenthetical statements in interviewer-administered surveys are supported by examining outcomes for questions that were included in a battery and randomly presented. Outcomes include interview efficiency, interviewer question-asking accuracy, and respondent cognitive processing. This work is collaborative with Dana Garbarski, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Tiffany Neman, and Dorothy Farrar Edwards.

John and Jen’s presentation, “Prize Drawings and Their Impact on Participation in a Web Survey of College Students on a Sensitive Topic,” directly examines the recommendation of Sauermann and Roach (2013) that for a fixed value, a lottery may be more effective if it is divided into a few larger amounts versus several smaller amounts. Spoiler-alert: They find no difference between offering respondents a drawing to win “one of twenty $100 cash prizes” versus “one of four $500 cash prizes.” Further, response rates for the lottery conditions are significantly lower than for a $5 Amazon gift card.