UWSC Staff To Participate in the 53rd Annual International Field Directors And Technologies Conference (IFD&TC)

Many staff from the UWSC will participate in the 53rd annual International Field Directors and Technologies Conference (IFD&TC) in Tornoto, Canada on May 19 – 22, 2019. Staff will participate by giving presentations, leading panel and round table discussions, and facilitating sessions. In addition, Director of Project Management Kelly Elver and Senior Project Director Kerryann DiLoreto will be working behind the scenes on the Organizing and Program Committees.


  • Jennifer Dykema, Vicki Lein, John Stevenson, and Mark Richenbach. “Sequential Prepaid Incentives and Cover Letter Appeals: Effects on Response Rates, Data Quality, and Costs in an Address-Based Mail Survey
    • This presentation examines the effects of sequential, pre-paid incentives and cover letter appeals on response rates, data quality, and costs in an address-based mail survey. Preliminary results indicate significantly higher response rates for a second incentive and a trend for higher response rates using an appeal informed by prospect theory. Results from this presentation add to research regarding cost-effective methods for increasing participation in mail surveys.
  • Stephanie Hartwig. “Effect of Monetary and Non-Monetary Post-Incentives on Response Rates to the Wisconsin Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
    • This presentation will look at the effect of a monetary and non-monetary post-incentive experiment on response rates to the Wisconsin Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
  • Augie Salick. “Developing a Customized, Google Maps API-driven Case Management Interface
    • This presentation discusses the design, implementation, features, and computational mathematics behind a Google-maps driven case management interface.  This interface was developed to address case visualization needs for upcoming national sample CAPI projects.
  • Chris Schlapper. “Tracking Allocation of Costs Across Studies: Development of a Software Solution”
    • This presentation describes the development of a software tool that imports payroll and benefit hours, and production hours by study.  This application allows us to more quickly and accurately calculate on how to allocate the payroll and benefit hours to each active study at the Survey Center.
  • Rob Schultz. “Please Sign Here: Collecting Electronic Signatures for Consent and Incentives During CAPI Interviews
    • This presentation describes how the UWSC implemented a process for obtaining and managing electronic respondent signatures collected as part of consent or incentive handover processes during CAPI interviews.
  • John Stevenson, Jennifer Dykema, and Nadia Assad. “Third Time’s a Charm? Systematic Analysis of the Effect of Sending a Third Questionnaire on Response Rates for Mail Surveys”
    • This presentation systematically examines the effectiveness of including a third questionnaire to increase response rates for mail surveys. Data are provided by a census of mail surveys conducted by an academic survey research organization since 2013 (approximately 25 studies). The analysis examines the overall effect size of including a third questionnaire and evaluates whether other methods — prenotification, incentives, sample type, and questionnaire length — are associated with the implementation of a third mailing.

Panel discussants

  • Steve Coombs for a session focusing on current call center practices and new technical solutions for improving these practices including spam blockers


  • Kelly Elver for a session focusing on center management and staff training
  • Jaime Faus for a session focusing on a wide range of technical innovations and strategies on topics including video interviews, electronic signatures, monitoring methods and software to track costs
  • Nick Schultz for a session focusing on new techniques in evaluating, recruiting & training new interviewing staff as well as the development of new fielding protocols
  • Eric White for a session focusing on homegrown technical solutions and innovative extensions of licensed software products