The Executive Board of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) named Associate Director John Stevenson as its newest MAPOR Fellow at its November 2017 meeting. MAPOR Fellows are judged by the MAPOR leadership as having made “significant contributions to MAPOR through scholarship, service to the organization or other means.” Matt Courser, MAPOR President, noted that John “epitomizes servant leadership and we would not be as strong or as vibrant without him.” In addition to cheerfully and energetically taking on the many routine chores that any organization requires, John largely created the framework MAPOR uses to engage and retain conference sponsors. This fundraising effort has helped to keep MAPOR a lively and affordable venue, where many students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have their first experience making a professional presentation. John joins two other MAPOR Fellows from UW-Madison – Sharon Dunwoody and Nora Cate Schaeffer.