UWSC welcomes the works of The Five Painters: K. Chang, Terrence Doeler, Donna Miller, David Whitish Scheifel, and Tracy Wiklund.
“The World Around Us: Five Perspectives”
The word “perspective” is often used to signify a particular point of view or the ability to see all relevant data in a meaningful relationship. In this exhibition, each member of the “Five Painters” group offers his/her own particular perspective on light, color, and the interaction between humankind and the planet. Unnecessary details are eliminated, the scene is set, and paint is then used to give viewers the artist’s perspective on a particular place, time, relationship, feeling or emotion. The Five Painters group was formed over twenty years ago. Although membership has changed slightly since its inception, each artist continues to bring to the group a unique style of painting and view of the world.
Despite the diversity in painting style and perspective, a common theme emerges in the work found in this show: the painter’s love of life. Painting has become, for the Five Painters, a way to document the world: the change of seasons, play of light on objects found in everyday life, colors found in memories and emotions. Art-making is a necessary and beloved part of life for these five individuals.
Although each artist paints his/her world in a unique way, all of the artists in this show share a strong love for art-making. The group is passionate about encouraging this love of art in young persons and supports programs such as STAMP (Statewide Teen Art Mentor Program) by endowing awards at the Wisconsin Regional Artists Program State Show and coordinating regional exhibits for the Wisconsin Regional Art Association.
Artist Statements
K. Chang: Chang is an enthusiastic nature lover, fascinated and awed by nature’s beauty. His primary artistic interest is landscape painting, often in the Impressionistic style. Chang loves to travel with his family and paint the scenery from his trips. These paintings have become his family treasure. Chang is a life member of the Wisconsin Regional Artists Association.
Terrence Doeler: Doeler has been painting for about 20 years. He is a member of the Madison Art Guild and a life member of the Wisconsin Regional Artists Association. Doeler’s medium is acrylic, which often resembles watercolor. He has always loved to fish, and many of his ideas for landscapes originate from fishing trips in the Midwest and Ontario.
Donna Miller: Miller is a Wisconsin Regional Artists Association life member, promoter, former Board of Director, Treasurer, and Chairman of Membership, Publicity and Memorials for which she received the John Steuart Curry Medal. She studied painting under Charles Sovek and David Lefell, as well as many other local artists. Painting has been a lifetime enjoyment.
David Whitish Scheifel: Scheifel began his art career as a graphic artist. He ventured next into the food world, earned an associate degree in food service and was sous chef/executive chef for a local hotel. Scheifel taught food-related classes, participated in cheese carving competitions and demonstrations, ran his own, successful restaurant, and worked as culinary chef for St. Mary’s Hospital until retirement. While involved in those other careers, Scheifel has been painting for some 40 plus years.
Tracy Wiklund: Wiklund has been painting for about eight years. Using traditional oils on canvas and board, she prefers painting places/things with a personal connection, such as rural Wisconsin, up north, lakes and rivers. A number of Wiklund’s paintings have been juried into local and regional exhibits.
On Exhibition
A variety of their works will be on display on the 4th floor of Sterling Hall until April 1, 2020.