Handbook on Survey Research features UWSC Authors

The 2nd edition of the widely-recognized 1983 volume, Handbook of Survey Research, has been published by the Emerald Group Publishing Limited. The volume, edited by Peter V. Marsden and James D. Wright, updates its previous historical account of the development of survey research and the evolution of social science and examines new and expanded uses of survey research during the past half century. The volume includes chapters on sampling, measurement, questionnaire construction and question writing, survey implementation and management, survey data analysis, special surveys, and integrating surveys with other data collection methods. This handbook is distinguished from other texts by its greater comprehensiveness and depth of coverage including topics such as measurement models, the role of cognitive psychology, surveying networks, and cross-national/cross-cultural surveys. Timely and relevant it includes materials that are only now becoming highly influential topics.

UWSC contributors to chapters in the handbook include Nora Cate Schaeffer and Jennifer Dykema in the chapter titled “Interviewers and Interviewing.”