The UW Badger Poll


Faculty Investigator: Kathy Cramer Walsh


The Badger Poll was a statewide random-digit-dial (RDD) telephone survey of approximately 500 Wisconsin adults. One adult per household was randomly selected to complete the interview. Topics on the Badger Poll included people’s opinions about political matters, the economy, and their communities. The Badger Poll also served as an omnibus survey where clients with an interest in a statewide telephone sample could add questions to the survey.

Data for the Badger Polls are archived with the Data and Information Service Center (DISC). DISC is the central repository of data collections used by the social science research community at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A keyword search of the DISC catalog will display all of the Badger Polls currently archived with DISC.


Chad Kniss


March 2002 – July 2011