UWSC and the Center for Demography and Ecology (CDE) are co-sponsoring a talk by Dr. Tim Beebe on “Issues and Advances in Health Survey Research Methods.” The seminar will focus on privacy and confidentiality issues, including use of the HIPAA authorization form, and effects on survey response rates, nonresponse bias, and data quality. Join us on Tuesday, October 25 from 12:30-1:45pm in Room 8417 Sewell Social Sciences Bldg. Click here for more information.
Dr. Beebe has a sustained record of conducting research in the area of survey methodology, including methodological experimentation to reduce survey error, the design, development, and evaluation of the administration of surveys in traditional modes (telephone, mail, face-to-face) as well as the integration of multiple modes and mixed methodologies, the design and testing of computer-interactive methods of data collection, and questionnaire development, testing, and validation.
Much of Dr. Beebe’s work has been supported by extramural funds offered by NIH, AHRQ, RWJF, and HRSA. He has participated in, or organized, a number of different workshops or panels on survey methods-related topics for various entities such as the National Academy of Science and AcademyHealth and served on numerous NIH and CDC study sections as a survey expert.
Dr. Beebe has also been actively participating in scholarly activity in the areas of health care policy, racial and ethnic disparities to health care, and general clinical outcome assessment.