UWSC Staff to participate in the 51st annual International Field Directors and Technologies Conference (IFD&TC)

Many staff from the UWSC will participate in the 51st annual IFD&TC in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 21st – 24th 2017. Staff will participate by giving presentations, leading panel and round table discussions, and facilitating sessions. In addition, Directory of Project Management Kelly Elver and Senior Project Director Kerryann DiLoreto will be working behind the scenes on the Organizing and Program Committees. (Staff names appear in bold.)

Kenneth D. Croes, Kerryann DiLoreto, Jennifer Dykema, Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Dana Garbarski. “Achieving High Compliance with a Request for a Photograph of Respondents in an In-Home Study: Protocol Development, Field Implementation, Analysis of Associated Factors, and Qualitative Exploration of Respondent-Interviewer Interaction”

  • This presentation describes the development and implementation of a field protocol to take photographs of respondents in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, and presents preliminary results of quantitative and qualitative analyses of factors associated with compliance.

Brendan Day “Using Hierarchical Data to Manage Sample and Contact Attempts”

  • This presentation describes how the UW Survey Center uses hierarchical data to manage sample and administer contacts by mail or email. The hierarchical model can accommodate studies of varying complexity, but this presentation will focus on the databases used to manage mixed-mode surveys and longitudinal studies, where we collect data about multiple addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers for each sample member, or import those data from multiple sources.

Nathan Jones “Training Interviewers and Managing Field Activities in Harsh Environments”

  • This presentation will use examples of challenging field situations from Indonesia, Chad, and Tibet to illustrate problem solving techniques. We will focus discussion on sample identification and recruitment, but also briefly cover field staff training, oversight of formal measurement tasks, crowd control in harsh environments.

Kate Krueger “Using Synchronized Contact Information in Multi-Mode CAPI Projects”

  • As a continuation of Brendan Day’s presentation, this presentation is an overview of the UWSC’s hierarchical database model as it interacts with the UWSC’s CAPI instrument front end in order to transfer sample member contact information between headquarters and remote field interviewers.

Marie Nitschke “Messy Solutions for Messy Problems: Scheduling and Surveying with Schools”

  • This presentation will discuss the development process for a method of communicating non survey data between field staff and headquarters in a way that allows for productivity monitoring and report creation without the development of custom software.

Augie Salick ” Designing a Multi-Mode, Multi-Platform JavaScript Survey Authoring Framework”

  • This presentation describes the design decisions and unique features in a built-from-scratch survey authoring and administration system. The JavaScript based system has been designed to unify our survey systems into a single multi-mode, multi-device framework.

Chris Schlapper “Designing the Server, Database, and Administrative Tools in Support of a Multi-Mode, Multi-Platform Survey Authoring Framework”

  • This presentation discusses the server-side implementation of a built-from-scratch survey authoring and administration system. This implementation uses Node.js, JavaScript, and a MongoDB/NoSQL database to populate a data repository with the survey data and provide administrative and reporting tools to mine those data.

Nick Schultz “Development of an Effective Process for Reviewing Interviewer Notes in CAPI Studies”

  • This presentation will take a look at the process that led to the CAPI department taking on notes review, as well as an in-depth look at the effectiveness of timely note feedback to interviewers during the course of a field project.

John Stevenson, Jennifer Dykema, Chad Kniss, Nadia Assad, and Cathy Taylor “Using Sequential Prepaid Incentives to Increase Participation and Data Quality in a Mail Survey”

  • This presentation will show results from an incentive experiment with pediatricians. Presentation examines overall response rates, cost effectiveness and data quality across treatment groups that vary incentive amounts across sequential pre-incentives.

John Stevenson, Jennifer Dykema, Nadia Assad, Sarah Linnan, and D. Paul Moberg “Logistics of Facebook Recruiting”

  • This presentation will describe steps needed to conduct a study that recruits study subjects via facebook. Presentation walks audience through all the steps and decisions that are required to conduct such a study and shares results from a recent pilot effort, discussing pros and cons as well as summarizing key design issues that remain out of control of researchers when using such a platform to recruit subjects.

Carol Wintheiser “Planning and Performing Quality control for Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing”

  • This presentation will describe the quality control processes used in the UW Survey Center’s Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing department from the planning stage of a project through its field period, focusing on recently designed systems implemented to manage multiple methods of quality control across studies and interviewers.