UWSC Welcomes Dr. Nathan Jones as a senior project director

Dr. Nathan Jones will join the UW Survey Center project direction team as a Senior Project Director on April 1, 2012.

For the past 4 years, Nathan has been the Director of the Survey Research Shared Service (SRSS) at the University of Wisconsin’s Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC). In addition to his work at the SRSS, Nathan has served as the Principle Investigator on many health-related research projects, worked as an epidemiologist for the Cancer Control and Outreach Program, and provided analytic and research support in his collaborations with members of the UWCCC. Before coming to the University of Wisconsin in 2008, Nathan spent several years as a Senior Service Fellow and Statistician/Demographer for the Centers for Disease Control and also worked at the RAND Corporation. Nathan has a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in Demography and a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Sociology from Emory University.

UWSC is excited to welcome Nathan to our project directing corps. We look forward to applying his wealth of expertise in health-related survey research and years of project direction, study design and analytical experience to the many projects currently underway and upcoming at the Center.