Randall Glysch, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, Wisconsin Department of Health Services
The Wisconsin Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) is a school-based survey of middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students. The survey collects information on youth knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors related to the use of tobacco and vaping products. These state-specific data assist in tailoring tobacco prevention and education programs to the unique and changing needs of Wisconsin’s young people.
The survey is conducted during the spring semester of even-numbered years, in a sample of Wisconsin schools that were selected by the Centers for Disease Control. Within each selected school, a small number of classes are randomly selected to participate in the Wisconsin YTS. The paper self-administered questionnaire includes core questions provided by the Centers for Disease Control and state-specific questions designed by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Margarete Wichmann, Kerryann DiLoreto, and Jacek Kraszewski
January 2016 – June 2016