University of Wisconsin System
The UW System Faculty/Instructional Staff Computing Survey was an Internet and mail combination survey, designed to collect information on computer and technology use by faculty and instructional staff at all UW campuses.
During the first wave of the survey 1400 Faculty and Instructional Staff at the University of Wisconsin System campuses were e-mailed the address of a web survey and asked to complete it. There were then 2 more e-mail reminders sent, and finally a paper copy of the survey was sent to all non respondents. Of the 899 responses, 737 or 82% resulted from the Web survey, and the rest, 162 or 18% resulted from the questionnaire mailing.
During the second wave Approximately 1400 Faculty and Instructional Staff and over 7000 students at the University of Wisconsin System campuses were contacted. The response rate for the faculty was 75.3% and the response rate for students was 60%. The results were presented to the UW Regents and were used to evaluate Information Technology priorities and future directions at each campus and for the UW System as a whole.
Matt Sloan
January 2001 – April 2001
March 2002 – May 2002