Several staff from the UWSC will participate in the 49th annual IFD&TC in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on May 17th – 20th 2015. Staff participation will range from presentations, to round table discussions and panel discussions. Staff names appear in bold.
Steve Coombs and Garrett Wartenweiler “Staffing Up: Comparing Full-Time and Part-Time CATI Interviewers”
- This presentation describes the UWSC’s experience transitioning a number of part-time CATI staff into full-time CATI Interviewing positions, and compares their quality of work, calling rates, scheduling reliability, costs, and other factors before and after the change.
Ken Croes and Kerryann DiLoreto “Ensuring High Quality Anthropometric Measures and Physical Performance Assessments in a National In-Home Survey: Interviewer Training and Quality Control in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study ”
- This presentation will give an overview of the training and quality control of field interviewers on the physical measurements collected in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.
Karen Jaques and Kerryann DiLoreto “You’re Collecting What?? Designing In-Home Collection of Stool and Water Samples”
- The presentation will discuss design considerations, implementation challenges, and preliminary results of the field effort to collect stool and water samples from past participants in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.
Chris Schlapper “Development and Use of a Project Management Database System”
- This presentation will demonstrate and discuss the Project Management Database, a centralized database and web application used to assist the management and staff at the University of Wisconsin Survey Center in tracking and implementing projects from proposal through production.
John Stevenson, August Salick, Bob Cradock, and Jennifer Dykema “A Brief History of Cell RDD Performance”
- This presentation will describe UWSC’s experience calling landline versus cell phone samples for the Wisconsin BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System). The purpose of the comparison is to examine how response rates, yield, effort, and cost of conducting RDD landline and cell phone surveys is changing over time.
Eric White, Brendan Day, and Chris Schlapper “Focused Tech: Case management systems for small/medium size organizations”
- This UWSC panel will present on the history and evolution of their field case management system, tracking its evolution from simple to complex. Panelists will discuss the applications and programming languages used. Further discussion will address how similar functionality could be created using other programming languages and applications, allowing other organizations to leverage the expertise they already have using software that differs from UWSC’s preferred software.
Nathan Jones, Katherine Mason, Esther Ullman “Adapting Interviewer Training Across Cultures in Developing Countries”
- Several of the survey organizations that participate in IFD&TC provide technical support for the establishment surveys and training in developing countries throughout the world.
Kelly Elver, Andrew L. Hupp, Donnalee Grey-Farquharson “Mixed Mode Design Considerations”
- Considerations for adapting interviewer-administered questionnaires for self-administered questionnaires and other mixed mode topics.
John Stevenson “Approaches to Client Management”
- Discuss how to re-shape current client-center relationships, approaches to successfully convince clients of your expertise, how to evaluate client satisfaction, and act on satisfaction feedback.
Click here to visit the IFD&TC (International Field Directors and Technologies Conference) website.