Staff from the UWSC participated in the “Epidemiology/Data Open House” sponsored by the Division of Public Health within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Project Management Director Kelly Elver and Survey Methodologist Jennifer Dykema presented a poster titled, “UW Survey Center and DHS: The Wisconsin Idea at Work.” The poster highlights the long-term collaboration between the UWSC and DHS to collect data to improve the health of Wisconsin residents. The UWSC conducts many studies for DHS including: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for Wisconsin; Family Health Survey (FHS); Mental Health Customer Satisfaction Survey; Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS); and Synar Smoking Audit. “Developing and adhering to best practices in survey design and implementation, the UWSC collaborates with Wisconsin Department of Health Services substantive experts to develop high quality tools and methods for collecting accurate, reliable, and valuable data,” note the presenters.