Several staff from the UWSC will participate in the 50th annual IFD&TC in Austin, Texas on May 15th – 18th 2016. Staff will participate by giving presentations, leading panel and round table discussions, and facilitating sessions. In addition, Directory of Project Management Kelly Elver will be working behind the scenes on the Organizing Committee. (Staff names appear in bold.)
Kerryann DiLoreto, Amanda Abramson, Rebecca Gatward, and Kriston Koepp “Tailoring Biological Specimen and Anthropometric Data Collection for Respondents”
- This panel will examine experiences, knowledge, and challenges in the collection of biological specimens and anthropometric data and contributions to past and future research.
Kerryann DiLoreto, Eric White, Chris Schlapper, Rob Schultz, and Vicki Lein “Collaborative Bidirectional Data Collection Using a Laptop and a Tablet Simultaneously In CAPI Interviews”
- This UWSC panel will present on a new bidirectional approach to data collection for computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI) from both the Field and Tech perspectives. Panelists will provide an overview of collecting in-person interview data using both an interviewer-administered instrument on a laptop that collects data and controls what is displayed on the tablet – as well as data points input by the respondent on the tablet. Further discussion will address the technical design of this tool, how data was transferred between the tool and the CAPI instrument, and the challenges encountered with this bidirectional integration.
Kelly Elver “Budgeting Roundtable”
- This roundtable will focus on recent developments in budgeting across a variety of center types. Come and share your budgeting and project cost tracking issues.
Jaime Faus “Thank Goodness for the Pilot”: Field Procedure Lessons from the Study of Iowa High Schools”
- This presentation provides an overview of the lessons learned and the potential “disasters” that were avoided due to the implementation of a pilot round of data collection for the Study of Iowa High Schools.
Chad Kniss “Lessons from Three Years of Data Collection Using Address-Based Sampling for a Household Telephone Survey”
- This presentation examines issues encountered and lessons learned from three years of data collection using an address-based sample for an on-going household telephone survey on health-related issues.
Kate Krueger “Using an Access Database to Increase the Ease and Efficiency of Performing Quality Control for Data Entry”
- This presentation describes the Access database that was created to fulfill the need for a centralized location to log quality control sessions for data entry cases and display that data in a way that facilitates staff development and tracks project progress.
Marie Nitschke and Tara Piché “Challenges Collecting Real-Time Survey Data Using Smartphones”
- This presentation will discuss technical challenges faced during collection of real-time data from college-aged students using an open-source application for smartphones, as well as alternative methods that may be effective for gathering these types of data.
Griselle Sanchez-Diettert, Nadia Assad, Jennifer Dykema, and Kelly Elver “Effects of Alternative Forms of Addressing Households on Response Rates, Data Quality, and Costs in a Mail Survey with an Address-Based Sample”
- This presentation describes the results of a salutation experiment for an address-based mail survey of Wisconsin residents. The audience will learn about the effect of more personalized versus less personalized salutations on response rates and other indicators of data quality for a mail survey that uses an address-based sample in which a householder’s name is affixed by a sample vendor. We will discuss the costs associated with such efforts for a mail sample, as well as limitations of our study.
Chris Schlapper “Implementation of a Tablet Map as Input Device for Respondents in a Collaborative Approach to CAPI Interviewing”
- This presentation discusses the implementation and practical uses of a tablet device as a survey tool interacting with a complex CAPI study, integrating mapping and survey technologies.
Rob Schultz “Managing Question Flow in a Tablet-Driven CAPI Survey”
- This presentation will demonstrate a method to manage question flow in a tablet-driven CAPI survey using data validation and discuss the implications of controlling question flow for the interviewer-respondent interaction.
Michael Turek “Using Web and Social Media Tools to Locate Hard-to-Reach Populations”
- This roundtable will discuss some of the developing web-based and social media techniques used to locate hard-to-reach and transitory sample groups for face to face interview projects.
Eric White “Turn Your Web App into a Mobile App with PhoneGap”
- This presentation will provide an overview of the Adobe PhoneGap tools and how they can be used to convert a web application into an app that be installed on Android, iOS, or Windows Mobile devices.
Eric White “Adding Offline Customized Map Server Functionality to a CAPI Laptop”
- This presentation will explain how to install and configure the TileStache map server to run offline and how doing so can help integrate the collection of map-based data into an existing data collection system.
To visit the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference website click here.