UWSC Senior Project Director Ken Croes will take part in an upcoming online panel held by the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) at the UW–Madison. Organized and moderated by Nora Jacobson of ICTR, the panel will provide ICTR investigators with an overview of the qualitative and mixed methods research services that are available at the UW–Madison.
Panel title: A Round-Up of Services to Support Qualitative and Mixed Methods Health Research at UW–Madison Community Academic Partnerships Program
- Esra Alagoz, WiSOR Qualitative Core
- Ken Croes, UW Survey Center
- Diane Farsetta, Board of Older Adult Advisors
- Rachel Grob and Jane Evered, Qualitative and Health Experiences Research Lab
- Mary Henningfield, Wisconsin Research & Education Network
- Nora Jacobson, ICTR Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Resource
- Kat Phelps, Wisconsin Network for Research Support
When: Friday, November 1, 2024, 12:00–1:15 pm
Where: Zoom
Learning objectives:
- Develop familiarity with an array of programs that support qualitative and mixed methods research at UW-Madison
- Determine which programs might be a good fit for your needs
- Understand the nuts and bolts of how to engage services from these programs
Register at: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vdu6gqjwrGtNghUrc1PjE4CJ7D6lPMEaN